
The worst mundane "Monday" at OSF to date...

My job is to sit outside a door which doctors have to get into.  Well if they are called in, so far I've only let 2 doctors, a tech, and a visitor in.  I am thankful LeAnne gave me a quick break to get some ice cream today though.

One of the OB nurses asked who would let them(the doctors) in after I leave this "post" at 0600.  I told her that I didn't know.  She replied that with something like, "Oh this hospital..." or something to that effect.

I'm glad that I have my CR-48.  I've been listening to Pandora and surfing randomly and the battery is still above 50% after 3 hours.

Welp back to doorman duties.  In an hour I'll be unlocking the hospital...


New Year 2011...

The holidays have come and gone, I hope all ya'll had a wonderful time.   Mom got me 2 DVDs and she got Sissy a crate mate and a winter/cold weather harness to keep her warm. Phill got me the "Odd Thomas" books, and Holly and family got me $80 from Walmart.  Sissy also got a bunch of treats from Holly.

I don't make resolutions, if I feel the need to improve myself I'll do it when I see fit.  I don't see the need to put unrealistic goals for myself.  Currently I don't have any goals and I'm not sure if I will have any this year.

This year is already started interesting.  I was requested to attend a wedding in May and that will take up my last two vacation days until October.  It should be interesting, traveling to Wisconsin in May.  I'm going to have to work around my work schedule for Shakespeare this year.  There seems to be only 2 I want to see.  The Complete Works I saw a few years ago, which I didn't like at all because of the redneck twist they put on it.


First step into the blogging community

Hello interweb.  I don't know exactly what I'll be writing blogs about, but I figured what the hell.  I may do this simply to document stuff that happens when my memory gets even worse than it is now.

Christmas has come & gone and New Years is on the way.  I am really indifferent about holidays.  They are just like birthday's now, just another day in the year.

Stuff I got for Christmas

  1. Mini Fridge(got early)
  2. Google Cr-48 notebook(early)
  3. Four Dean Koontz "Odd Thomas" books
  4. Gift Card for Walmart
    1. Mouse for Cr-48
    2. Portable Surge Protector
    3. Dog Food (Big bag)
    4. Cough Syrup
    5. 2 liter of Cherry 7Up

Today is a lazy day.  I vacuumed and went and gave blood at La Gondola on the corner of Towanda and Vernon.  I should start laundry soon and I will as soon as I figure out one part of this Sam & Max game.

Welp that's rambling and I think I'll try harder on the next post.  I'll do my best to do these weekly, but I know it may be random posts between weekly posts also.(Either from my iPod touch, Cr-48, or phone.)